Monthly Archive:: July 2016
Companies Consistently Run into Problems in Automation Efforts
On July 30, 2016 In Thought Leadership
It’s very clear that robotics process automation (RPA) and cognitive computing have tremendous capacity to digitize our workforce and reduce the number of back-office FTEs. Leading companies are looking at doing this in a big way, looking to automate thousands of jobs that have been performed by FTEs. But they consistently run into a
What You Need to Do to Get a Business Performance Breakthrough
On July 28, 2016 In Thought Leadership
At Everest Group, we’ve been studying the reason behind the disappointing phenomenon of powerful new disruptive technologies achieving only modest, incremental benefits instead of their promised performance breakthroughs. In my recent blogs, we’ve looked at whether the fault could be due to hype or immaturity of the technologies, whether it might be a lack
Impact of Brexit on the UK Outsourcing Industry
On July 26, 2016 In Thought Leadership
There’s no doubt that Brexit created a slowdown in European outsourcing during the last two quarters, especially in the UK. How long will the slowdown last? Let’s look at what’s really going on. The reason Brexit contributed to slowdown is because it created indecision and senior management attention was captivated by the unthinkable prospect
Is Your Incumbent Service Ecosystem the Source for Lacking Performance Breakthroughs?
On July 25, 2016 In Thought Leadership
In three of my recent blogs, I’ve discussed the possible reasons as to why companies are only getting modest, incremental benefits from vetted, powerful new technologies such as cloud, analytics, cognitive computing and robotic process automation (RPA). These technologies should be making big differences – performance breakthroughs. As I’ve mentioned, we at Everest Group
Is Lack of Talent the Reason for Not Achieving Desired Performance Breakthroughs?
On July 19, 2016 In Thought Leadership
If you’re following my blogs regularly, you know that I’ve been discussing what we at Everest Group think is the issue of our time. Vetted, powerful new technologies such as cloud, analytics, cognitive computing and robotic process automation (RPA) should be making big differences in businesses; but for the most part, they’re achieving only
Is Technology the Reason You’re Not Achieving Performance Breakthroughs?
On July 14, 2016 In Thought Leadership
In my prior blog, I discussed the phenomenon that vetted, powerful new technologies such as cloud, analytics, cognitive computing and robotic process automation (RPA) should be making big differences in businesses; but for the most part, they’re achieving only modest, incremental benefits. Why aren’t they delivering performance breakthroughs? In answering this question, we need
Why Aren’t We Seeing New Technologies Deliver Business Performance Breakthroughs?
On July 7, 2016 In Thought Leadership
There’s an important dynamic happening with new technologies. Cloud, analytics, cognitive computing, and robotic process automation (RPA) are available to businesses today, but they’re only creating modest, incremental gains. Why aren’t these technologies creating a bigger difference in businesses? Take cloud for example. We’re way past the point of discussing whether or not to
Dealing with Organizational Change Inherent in Driving Today’s Application Services
On July 4, 2016 In Thought Leadership
In my two previous blog posts, I pointed out two factors driving demand for application services today, and that they result in greenfield and brownfield opportunities. The third factor in the app demand profile is what we at Everest Group refer to as “vanishing scope.” The objective here is to use new technologies to