Monthly Archive:: August 2013
Ka-ching! — The Rupee Depreciation Catch-Up
On August 26, 2013 In Thought Leadership
Both buyers and providers in the global services industry are scrutinizing how to react to the dramatic depreciation of the Indian currency. Since 2000, the rupee has traded in the range of 40-50 rupees to the U.S. dollar and in recent years was stable at 45. But it depreciated during the last two years
How to Avoid a Mistake in Buying Analytics Tools
On August 21, 2013 In Thought Leadership
We need to stop using the term “analytics.” Yes, I know analytics is red hot. Practically every service provider has an analytics group. IBM has poured billions into acquiring analytics software companies and has built a formidable capability in this area. The marketplace is full of anecdotes about how powerful and impactful analytics can
The FTE Labor vs. Managed Services Decision
On August 16, 2013 In Thought Leadership
Industry buzz says companies can realize more value via outsourcing by moving away from the FTE or contract labor model and opting instead for managed services. The FTE model is dead, they say. But don’t believe everything you hear. The managed services model in outsourcing sounds great. It beckons with reduced costs and the
Deloitte: The Global Services Dark Horse Challenging Accenture
On August 15, 2013 In Thought Leadership
Accenture has beautifully moved into the number-one spot among transformational service providers. They snatched it from IBM, their biggest competitor for that spot. How did they do it? Accenture created a significant gap between itself and IBM in two game-changing aspects: customer access and talent. Accenture gained a leg up on IBM in customer
How to Eliminate Your Competitors in IT Services Sales
On August 12, 2013 In Thought Leadership
As a result of the consumerization of IT within today’s businesses, many technology service providers struggle to find a sales approach that drives greater growth. With CIOs now playing a far less prominent role as an intermediary determining the best solutions and, instead, business stakeholders making buying decisions, traditional solution selling is not a
What’s Differentiating about TCS and Cognizant?
On August 2, 2013 In Thought Leadership
It’s earnings season for the outsourcing industry. So far, we’re seeing mixed results: modest growth in most companies (including Accenture, IBM, Infosys and Wipro ) and strong growth in a few. Notably, Cognizant and TCS are pulling away from the pack. Or as my old running coach would say, they are showing the competition