Monthly Archive:: February 2018
Companies Can’t Get What They Want Without A New Services Delivery Model And New Contractual Mechanism
On February 27, 2018 In Thought Leadership
The possibilities promised in taking full advantage of the new digital IT environment characterized especially by agile, DevOps, automation and cloud, are exciting. However, service providers struggle to deliver digital services at their customary profit levels, and customers aren’t prepared to buy the new digital environment because they’re stuck with their existing purchasing/contracting vehicle.
New Kind Of Vendor Lock-In And Purchasing Concerns
On February 20, 2018 In Thought Leadership
Increasingly, there has been a push by firms purchasing services to move towards consumption-based pricing. Accompanying this move is an additional desire to reduce the length of contracts. Ideally, you should only pay for what you use; and when you stop using it, you stop paying for it. Although this is what traditional contracts