Monthly Archive:: April 2017
Advertising Agencies Hit With New Competitive Threat
On April 25, 2017 In Thought Leadership
There’s a new threat on the horizon for advertising agencies. Leading successful service providers including Accenture, Deloitte, KPMG, IBM, McKinsey and PwC are acquiring advertising companies. Why should you take note of this movement if you’re not in the advertising business? Because it serves as a warning for other industries: digital platforms are starting
The Disruption and Promise of Artificial Intelligence
On April 21, 2017 In Thought Leadership
There’s no shortage of books, news articles and comments in social media about how artificial intelligence (A.I.) is shaping our future. Although it’s still blazing a trail, we’re on the brink of A.I. disruption that will change all industries and society at a very deep and fundamental level. I believe it will be one
Remedy for Threat to US Pharmaceutical Industry’s Profitability
On April 20, 2017 In Thought Leadership
US pharmaceutical companies may be counting their lucky stars now that healthcare reform is a dead issue for the time being. But they shouldn’t. They are still very vulnerable to increasing political pressure from the Trump Administration. The good news is there are actions these companies can take in the face of this pressure,
Huge Unaddressed IT Market for Service Providers
On April 19, 2017 In Featured, Thought Leadership
In a world where sales for IT services have been decelerating, we believe there is a $400 billion unaddressed market for IT services. A huge, attractive prize for service providers. But it requires a different business model. This blog post describes the situation. The Market is Shadow IT The unaddressed market is enterprise shadow
How a CIO Shifted IT’s Role to Enable Growth through Digital Innovation
On April 19, 2017 In Thought Leadership
Imagine you’re the new CIO at a global vehicle manufacturing company (with industry-leading products) that now faces stiff competition from new players in its market. The CEO brought you in to lead the company transformation to enable dramatic growth quickly. The management committee had already developed a vision of its future state and developed
Oracle Announces it is not Pursuing Accenture, but Maybe it Should
On April 13, 2017 In Thought Leadership
I recently blogged about a report of a potential acquisition of Accenture by Oracle. Founder and Chairman Larry Ellison has since stated that Oracle is not interested in acquiring Accenture. But, quite frankly, maybe they should. Maybe they never intended to, despite the report of rumored due diligence. There are some important implications of
How To Accelerate Value Creation Through Artificial Intelligence
On April 12, 2017 In Thought Leadership
Major advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology are happening rapidly, and many organizations are excited about the possibilities AI presents. However, some successful companies fail in their innovation efforts to create new value by leveraging disruptive technologies. Others haven’t yet embarked on this innovation journey because they lack use cases. My advice: First define
How to Eliminate Enterprise Shadow IT
On April 11, 2017 In Thought Leadership
Gartner studies have found that shadow IT is 30 to 40 percent of IT spending in large enterprises, and our research at Everest Group finds it comprises 50 percent or more. Either way, I believe these statistics are an understatement of the shadow IT ecosystem — spending on IT that doesn’t go through the
Trump Dump
On April 10, 2017 In Featured, Thought Leadership
In our Everest Group forecast for the services industry earlier this year, we predicted deceleration from 3.2 to 2.8 percent in the broader services market and deceleration from 7.1 to 6.8 in in the Indian market. We see no reason to change that prediction of deceleration now. But something notable has happened since we
Accenture’s Eye-catching Acquisition of Genfour
On April 7, 2017 In Thought Leadership
It’s a safe bet that most enterprises as well as service providers pay attention to Accenture’s market moves and investments. After all, Accenture is the world’s largest independent consulting and IT outsourcing firm, so who wouldn’t think it wise to learn by observing the firm’s strategies? Let’s look at Accenture’s recent acquisition of Genfour.
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