Many industry analysts have a theory that digital transformation will happen rapidly. But I don’t believe that. I think it will happen over five to 10 years. While digital adoption grows, we’ll see dramatic consolidation in the IT and business process services markets based on the legacy labor arbitrage factory model. A plethora of
The stakes are high for service providers trying to transition to digital technologies and business models. Currently there is no clear leader in the space. One of the biggest barriers to providers rotating to digital is gaining experienced digital talent. I’ve been watching providers’ strategies to acquire the necessary talent, and Wipro just made
As the services industry shifts into a digital world, there is a growing misalignment in interests among service providers, their critical stakeholders and investors, and their clients. Why should clients care about this growing rift with their service providers? Because it changes the service providers’ investments and commitment. Here’s what I see clearly happening.
Many companies are now attempting to move into an agile DevOps environment but are struggling in that process. I believe the struggle is because they implement part of the journey but not all of it. Consequently, they often fall short of the desired result. Companies see the benefits of moving into moving into an
An emerging trend I refer to as IT modernization is garnering significant enterprise IT projects. The last time businesses saw a similar strategy take place was in the shift from mainframes to client-server environments. Here’s my take on the landscape for this new IT strategy along with the implications for services. The strategy begins
As I look back on this year, it’s impossible to unplug digital from the determinants of the year’s most significant business changes. A review of how the rotation to digital impacted the global services market in 2017 provides a glimpse of factors that will be at play in 2018 as companies seek to be
One of the remarkable IT trends in 2017 is the increasing size of digital transformation projects. I recently blogged about this phenomenon, especially as evidence refuting Gartner’s claim of these projects hitting a trough of disillusionment. The reason this growth in projects in the digital space is remarkable is that we saw no evidence
Recently, Infosys appointed Salil S. Parekh, formerly a Group Executive Board member at Capgemini, as CEO and MD of Infosys. His selection was a surprising choice. He lacks the industry profile of Infosys’ prior CEOs and has no prior experience as a CEO. But I believe he is a talented executive who is well
We’ve moved from a point of the media talking about the digital transformation’s promises and opportunities to a point of media pointing out many digital transformation projects are underperforming in expectations. Adding fuel to that fire is Gartner’s recent claim that digital transformation is going through the trough of disillusionment. But the facts belie