Monthly Archive:: February 2022
Two Success Factors For Platforms To Improve Customer And Employee Experience | Blog
On February 24, 2022 In Featured, Thought Leadership
As I previously blogged, back in pre-COVID-19 pandemic times, companies experimented with changing to digital operating models and building digital platforms to drive competitive advantages in managing operations, especially in improving the customer experience and employee experience. As economies began coming out of the pandemic shutdown, it became clear that companies that had progressed further in the platform world
Strategic Decisions In Managing Legacy IT Services | Blog
On February 14, 2022 In Featured, Thought Leadership
My recent blog about the “Legacy Technology Dilemma” explained how and why companies have unrealistic expectations around managing their legacy systems and applications. As companies contemplate the fate of their legacy estates – whether they currently reside in house or are currently outsourced to third-party service providers – executives face both tactical and strategic
Legacy Technology Dilemma | Blog
On February 8, 2022 In Featured, Thought Leadership
Companies are migrating applications to the cloud, looking to reduce or shutter their legacy data centers. Many soon realize they have a portfolio of legacy applications that are just too expensive and too risky to move to the cloud. However, they have unrealistic expectations regarding the possibilities for those applications, and that leads to