Monthly Archive:: January 2020
Companies Waste Or Overpay Service Vendors At Least 10%
On January 21, 2020 In Thought Leadership
Organizations buy services from a wide variety of service providers — ranging from managed services for IT applications and infrastructure, contingent labor to supplement gaps in skills and availability, cloud services, business process services, and more. We at Everest Group looked at the administration of these contractual relationships and discovered that most organizations leave
How To Get Innovation From Service Providers and Vendors
On January 14, 2020 In Thought Leadership
Companies today hold all business functions to a mandate for innovation. Innovation should create business value (a better experience for employees, customers, and partners). It should create agility and speed. It should make business functions more easily adaptable, easier to change. And it should also lower the cost of the functions over time. The
Key To Designing An Effective Digital Platform
On January 10, 2020 In Thought Leadership
Companies undertaking digital transformation seek to improve customer, employee and partner experiences. They build digital platforms to deliver the desired experience. My observation from working with many companies undergoing this endeavor is they often overlook the key factor necessary building an effective digital platform. Read more in my blog on Forbes