Monthly Archive:: January 2014
Assessing the Cloud’s Clout to Disrupt the Outsourcing World
On January 27, 2014 In Thought Leadership
You’ve heard it … read it in the news … and probably even participated in the discussions about it. “It” is the impact of the cloud model on the third-party service provider marketplace. What are the cloud’s potential disruptive effects? As the cloud and outsourcing meet head on, will the cloud make hiccups or
Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Go Back in the Immigration Water
On January 22, 2014 In Thought Leadership
The spooky orchestral background and thriller tagline — “Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…” — from the 1978 hit movie “Jaws 2” brings out our primal fears that something can attack us even though all appears to be safe and when we least expect it. That’s what
Accenture Takes Over for CGI
On January 21, 2014 In Thought Leadership
We just witnessed one of the most spectacular examples of where choosing a service provider based on the lowest price can be a really bad idea. The Obama administration’s recent about-face in contracting with Accenture to take over for the incumbent CGI on the beleaguered website is a vivid reminder that low price
The End of Globalization?
On January 14, 2014 In Thought Leadership
“Have we reached the end of globalization?” Fareed Zakaria, the host of CNN’s weekly international affairs show, asked last week. He points to two factors — 3D printing and the rise in protectionist policies — as forces that combine to challenge the globalization movement of the last 30 years. From a services perspective, we
Cognizant Prepares for Inevitable Shift in Immigration Law
On January 10, 2014 In Thought Leadership
Cognizant recently made two key announcements. One was that they are hiring 10,000 people in the United States. The other is that they are relocating their operations center from New Jersey to College Station, Texas. Taken together, it’s evident that Cognizant is doubling down on its U.S. presence. It’s moving to low-cost locations and
Wipro’s Winning Numbers
On January 8, 2014 In Thought Leadership
Everest Group’s ongoing analysis of global service providers’ performance revealed some notable market shifts in the most recently reported quarter. We note especially that Wipro seems to be righting its ship. Although its growth previously had lagged its peers and the industry, the last quarter evidenced higher growth. As the chart below displays, Wipro
2014 Outlook for the Global Services Industry
On January 6, 2014 In Thought Leadership
What will be the big stories in 2014 in global services? We believe the main themes of 2013 will continue this year but will take on bigger significance. Whether you’re a buyer or a provider, you need the following issues on your radar screen and need to be prepared for change over the next 12