Monthly Archive:: May 2020
How To Structure A Company To Use A Gig Platform | Blog
On May 26, 2020 In Featured, Thought Leadership
In my previous blog, I talked about companies needing to structure their IT organizations so they are leaner, more agile and able to constantly use the world’s best coders with the rarest and newest skills that are dramatically scarce. To achieve these goals, I explained that they need to consider using a gig platform
Using A Gig Platform To Access Key Skills In The COVID-19 Crisis | Blog
On May 18, 2020 In Featured, Thought Leadership
The COVID-19 crisis has resulted in a devastated economy. Executives are looking at their businesses from a recession and retrench mindset, knowing they need to preserve cash. That involves eliminating inefficiencies, and enterprise IT organizations have significant inefficiencies and redundancies. So, companies have laid off many programmers and IT professionals. While these lay-offs created
COVID-19 Crisis Pressures Service Providers To Cut Prices
On May 11, 2020 In Thought Leadership
As individuals or as businesses, any life-changing event results in rethinking our position. In the case of the COVID-19 crisis, it will change the way companies conduct business for a long time, as the crisis revealed weak spots in business practices and investments. Moreover, as companies begin to exit the crisis, they move forward
COVID-19 Business Crisis Proves Automation Matters
On May 4, 2020 In Featured, Thought Leadership
Consider what’s now happening at companies that made investments in automation and moving work to the cloud. They’re doing better than others in the COVID-19 pandemic. They’re more flexible under trying conditions. They’re more resilient to challenges. They are a bright spot in this awful crisis. The pandemic showed what companies invested in as