How a CIO Shifted IT’s Role to Enable Growth through Digital Innovation

Imagine you’re the new CIO at a global vehicle manufacturing company (with industry-leading products) that now faces stiff competition from new players in its market. The CEO brought you in to lead the company transformation to enable dramatic growth quickly. The management committee had already developed a vision of its future state and developed broad, ambitious goals including doubling top-line revenues by 2020 while reducing working-capital requirements.

But the true level of commitment to the vision was not certain, and there was no clarity on what it would take to achieve the goals. The only known factors were (a) growth opportunities would be in digital innovation, especially in the Internet of Things (IoT) and (b) the IT group would need to change from being “order takers” and missing service-level targets to becoming a business enabler and driving the pace of change. How would you go about leading this challenging transformation?

Read more at Peter’s blog