Digital Transformation: Underperforming Or Growing?
We’ve moved from a point of the media talking about the digital transformation’s promises and opportunities to a point of media pointing out many digital transformation projects are underperforming in expectations. Adding fuel to that fire is Gartner’s recent claim that digital transformation is going through the trough of disillusionment. But the facts belie that. We at Everest Group struggle with the Gartner claim, given that we are seeing an uptick in the size of digital transformation projects. What’s the explanation for the difference between Gartner’s claim and what we’re seeing?
Here’s what we see: the size of digital transformation projects is exploding. Last year we saw relatively small, focused projects of $500,000 to $3 million. Now digital transformation projects consistently hit $20-$100 million in size.
We find Gartner’s comment interesting, but I think it’s dangerous to take that comment in isolation.