Avoid This Pitfall In Data-Driven Decisions In A Digital Transformation
A business model change often overwhelms transformation initiatives. As I blogged previously, digital transformation collapses business processes into data. When organizations start looking at their business through the lens of data instead of the lens of a business process, serious issues arise. How the people in a company use the data and make decisions about data issues requires significant change management.
Employees and managers are accustomed to doing their jobs in certain ways not based on the new data an organization may gather in digital transformation. Unless executives manage change well, the result will be change-resistance behaviors from managers and employees. I spoke with executives involved in such a situation in a large construction firm.
The firm began its digital transformation journey in 2017, including a large IoT implementation. The firm’s objective was to use new and emerging technologies to significantly improve its business. Goals included reducing costs, improving productivity and efficiency as well as reducing execution time.
Read more in my Forbes blog: https://www.forbes.com/sites/peterbendorsamuel/2018/04/09/avoid-this-pitfall-in-data-driven-decisions-in-a-digital-transformation/#2565bf45712a