Blockchain Archive
Blockchain-enabled “Smart Contracts” Solve Problems in Administering IT Ecosystem Services
On June 5, 2017 In Thought Leadership
Businesses are moving into a software-defined world with usage-based service contracts and an “Everything-as-a-Service” ecosystem of providers. But there’s a problem: Contracts have not kept up with the desire to buy things in an as-a-service model in an ecosystem. Thus, the contracts provide no accurate way to account for usage adjustments that need to
Bitten by the Blockchain Bug
On May 22, 2017 In Featured, Thought Leadership
The business world is abuzz with the potential benefits of blockchain distributed ledger technology and the wave of disruption it will bring in not just payment transactions but also sharing information of value to participants in a distributed ledger. The media are already referring to it as an “internet of value.” Even though Blockchain
Is Blockchain Technology Secure for Your Company’s Transactions?
On May 4, 2017 In Thought Leadership
Blockchain technology is hard to ignore as practically everybody’s talking about it. That’s understandable because it’s predicted to disrupt the value flows that underpin business transactions and economies as well as create new business models. It has enormous power to solve business problems. But is a blockchain “distributed ledger” secure? Blockchain is still in
How Blockchain Technology Applies to Your Company
On May 3, 2017 In Thought Leadership
Blockchain technology is a red-hot topic in the news these days and in many C-suite discussions. It has wide applicability to many industries and most companies. Like any emerging technology, companies that aren’t first movers tend to look for proven use cases and often wait for the technology to mature. But that may not