IT service providers Archive
DevOps: Disruptive and Changing the Purchase of IT Services
On October 1, 2015 In Thought Leadership
Businesses now demand that IT departments dramatically change the velocity of the cycle time it takes to take ideas from concept to production – often from as long as 12-18 months to only four to six weeks. Organizations can’t achieve a change of this magnitude with just a change in methodology. To do this, they
Customers Changing Core Objectives for Services Industry and IT Delivery
On July 22, 2015 In Thought Leadership
There is a secular shift occurring within IT services. Many businesses are shifting from functional orientation – where cost and reliability are the key objectives – to a new focus where business value and cycle time are the new objective functions. This shift has big and very serious implications for organizations that encompass the
If I Were the Man You Wanted
On July 11, 2014 In Thought Leadership
Singer/songwriter Lyle Lovett wrote a song with the line “If I were the man you wanted, I would not be the man that I am.” With apologies to Lyle Lovett, I think this is a very appropriate line when applied to IT infrastructure services today. Clients’ changing expectations of their incumbent IT infrastructure service
Accenture, CSC, IBM and Infosys Can Expect Lower Wage Inflation in Europe
On March 4, 2014 In Thought Leadership
Wage inflation in India for engineering and IT talent has been going up consistently because the demand exceeded supply, particularly for experienced talent. But Everest Group is making a bold prediction that we we will see a lowering of the inflation rate in India, Europe and, to some degree, in the Philippines over the
How to Eliminate Your Competitors in IT Services Sales
On August 12, 2013 In Thought Leadership
As a result of the consumerization of IT within today’s businesses, many technology service providers struggle to find a sales approach that drives greater growth. With CIOs now playing a far less prominent role as an intermediary determining the best solutions and, instead, business stakeholders making buying decisions, traditional solution selling is not a
The Blind Side Blitz: How Business Users Impact Next-Generation IT Spend
On June 3, 2013 In Thought Leadership
Seemingly out of nowhere, users hit enterprise IT spend on its blind side. Like a blitzing 265-pound football linebacker that the quarterback doesn’t see running up behind him to tackle him, business units and end users blitzed past the IT group and rapidly adopted cloud, mobile and other next-generation IT solutions wherever and whenever
Talking the Talk, but not Walking the Walk, in the Cloud
On October 18, 2011 In Thought Leadership
Over the last two months, we have visited with more than 50 Fortune 500 firms to discuss their thoughts about adopting and harnessing the disruptive technologies and services that are driving the next generation of IT. Inevitably, our conversations focused on the cloud and its potential impact on the price point and flexibility of
Will the U.S. Government “Arthur Andersen” Infosys?
On May 27, 2011 In Thought Leadership
As is well-documented at this time, a whistle blower and current Infosys employee has brought suit against Infosys claiming that Infosys has criminally manipulated U.S. immigration law to allow it to bring large numbers of employees into the United States to do work under visas that do not allow such activities. This in turn