RFP Archive
Dead Deal Costs Will Kill the Services Industry
On August 24, 2015 In Thought Leadership
I’ve blogged extensively on how the industrialized arbitrage market is maturing rapidly. One of the many frustrating aspects of a maturing services market is that a dominant portion of procurements for larger opportunities come through RFPs. These RFPs require sophisticated and elaborate responses with large deal teams and solutioning teams working at the provider’s
FOMO (“Fear of Missing Out”) – the Service Provider’s Ebola
On July 14, 2015 In Thought Leadership
FOMO is reaching epidemic proportions among service providers. We see it particularly in the Indian firms, but it’s not confined to the Indian providers. It starts in the sales teams as they fall behind in their sales goals; then it spreads and infects the entire organization. You can easily identify the providers infected with
Avoiding a Big “Gotcha” in the RFP Process
On March 18, 2014 In Thought Leadership
Here’s a blatant truth: Any company looking to procure outsourced services can get into a similar situation as the government faced with its healthcare.gov website before it switched the work to Accenture to fix the debacle. That’s because the RFP process is a breeding ground for “gotchas” that eventually can evaporate a deal’s ROI or,