Services Industry Archive

Consequences For Customers From Current Services Industry Disruption

The services industry is in disruption, pivoting from highly profitable but mature labor arbitrage factories to a rapidly growing, immature new market based on automation and software-defined market with digital platforms generating value. Most large companies have outsourced numerous IT and business process functions and now depend on the supply chain of services. However,

Services Industry at Inflection Point in 2017

As I recently blogged, 2016 was a disappointing year for the services industry as discretionary spend was not robust and growth in labor arbitrage services is now flat. I see an industry desperate for growth in 2017. Here is what I believe will happen. I think we’ll see more acceleration in adoption of the

2016: The Disappointing Year in the Services Industry

As many executives are focusing on the changes that may occur in their business in 2017, I think it’s important to take a moment to review what happened in the services industry in 2016. At the outset of this year, we at Everest Group believed the U.S. economy would continue to grow and that

The Services Industry is Changing in Radical Ways

The times they are a changing, as the old Bob Dylan song said. In a recent post, I blogged about the dramatic changes we’ll see in the services industry over the next two or three years. Let’s look at two more forces driving industry change. A major force is the maturity of the labor

Forces Driving Change in the Services Industry

The outsourcing industry is at an inflexion point. It reminds me of Bob Dylan’s hit song from the 1960s, “The Times They are A-changing.” I believe the industry will undergo dramatic change over the next two to three years. Three forces are driving the change. The first is a shift in user and company

How Does DevOps Change the Services Industry?

DevOps is changing the services industry, especially in the people model. Here’s an important question for service providers in the Digital Age: Can you achieve the same impact in a distributed DevOps environment as you can in a collocated DevOps environment? Clearly, because of where the industry makes money, the industry would like the

The Best is Yet to Come in Services … or is It?

My wife and I are like the service industry, particularly the arbitrage-based talent service industry – maturing rapidly. These days, while we think about how we’re moving into our golden years with the prospect of being surrounded by loved ones and hopefully grandchildren, I think the prospect for the service industry is quite different.

Services Industry Awakening to Three Business Models

I recently blogged about three stories of the way business is unfolding in the Indian services arena due to dramatic changes driven by automation and digital technologies. Here’s another page-turner from NASSCOM’s February conference: there are three possible or probable business models for moving forward. The first model is the existing labor-based model in