Trump Archive

How Donald Trump May Save the India-heritage Outsourcing Firms

Over the past month or so, many of the India-heritage outsourcing firms have reacted to the current political climate to announce significant hiring goals for onshore (U.S.) hiring while scaling back applications for H-1B visas. There are numerous reports across the country of these announcements creating a frenzy of governors courting the companies to

Trump Dump

In our Everest Group forecast for the services industry earlier this year, we predicted deceleration from 3.2 to 2.8 percent in the broader services market and deceleration from 7.1 to 6.8 in in the Indian market. We see no reason to change that prediction of deceleration now. But something notable has happened since we

Impacts of H-1B Visa Applications Suspension

There’s a new stake in the ground for H-1B visa reform. Beginning on April 3, 2017, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will temporarily suspend premium processing for all H-1B visa petitions. Large U.S. tech firms stand out as firms that will suffer disruption from the suspension, but the impact will be felt

What Will You Do When Trump Tweets at You

For the first time in many years, US companies clearly face a real change in sentiment and political risk in sending or keeping work offshore. It’s clear that the new Trump administration combined with other secular forces (Brexit and the U.S. presidential campaign rhetoric, for example) signals a step back and pause in globalization.