Monthly Archive:: May 2017

Regulatory Changes Drive Digital Disruption

Companies in some highly regulated industries often view digital transformation and digital restructuring as being constrained by laws and regulations that don’t evolve fast enough to allow digital transformation to happen. But there’s another side to the regulatory coin: sometimes regulatory changes enable and drive disruption and business transformation. That’s about to happen in

The United Nations Looks at Security Of Artificial Intelligence

I recently had the privilege of attending at the United Nations an invited gathering of individuals active in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) space. The meeting was hosted by UNOPS with a view to consider how AI can be better deployed to support the UN mission. The attendees included leaders in AI and its related

How Blockchain Technology Applies to Your Company

Blockchain technology is a red-hot topic in the news these days and in many C-suite discussions. It has wide applicability to many industries and most companies. Like any emerging technology, companies that aren’t first movers tend to look for proven use cases and often wait for the technology to mature. But that may not