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The Consumerization of IT may be a Bigger Problem for Business than IT
On September 28, 2011 In Thought Leadership
King Cnut (Cnut the Great) of England, Denmark, Norway, and parts of Sweden once famously instructed the tide to refrain from rising, only to hours later find its disdain for his royal decree. Today’s CIOs find themselves faced with similar limits on their power and influence as Androids, iPhones, and iPads flood the workplace.
The Consumerization of IT and Business Processes: Why the Shift to End-to-End Processing Puts Power in the Hands of the User
On September 14, 2011 In Thought Leadership
Consumerization is widely credited as one of the seminal factors transforming the world of IT and forcing structural change on corporate IT departments. At the core of this consumerization is a fundamental change in expectations by the user community. Along with the average Joe becoming increasingly accustomed to downloading an app to a smart
Does Accenture’s Acquisition of Zenta and Duck Creek Signal Industry Maturation?
On August 24, 2011 In Thought Leadership
In the last several days, Accenture – a firm that has largely focused on organic growth strategies and avoided significant inorganic expansion activities – announced two acquisitions: Zenta, a U.S. mortgage processing firm, and Duck Creek, a provider of software solutions for the property and casualty insurance industry. When Accenture does occasionally make acquisitions,
HP’s Strategic Decisions – What’s the Next Shoe to Drop?
On August 22, 2011 In Thought Leadership
In 1729, Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, and political pamphleteer Jonathan Swift penned a satirical paper suggesting that to prevent the children of poor people in Ireland from being a burden to their parents or country, and to make them beneficial to the public, the Irish should eat their own children. Driving toward services leadership may
What If the Hackers Had Attacked Sony Through Microsoft Azure Instead of Amazon’s EC2?
On August 17, 2011 In Thought Leadership
There is widespread speculation that the recent attack on Sony was accomplished by utilizing credit card information stolen via compute resources purchased from Amazon’s EC2 cloud offering. This high profile incident has attracted attention in the mainstream press and in the blogosphere, underscoring the interconnected and anonymous nature of cloud computing, as well as
Microsoft Confuses Economies of Scale with Next Generation Data Centers
On June 1, 2011 In Thought Leadership
In a recent article in Information Week, a Microsoft executive made the claim that the economies of scale of cloud data centers were so compelling that few companies, if any, would want to continue to operate their own. He went on to offer Microsoft’s cloud data centers as the proof point. He stated the
Will the U.S. Government “Arthur Andersen” Infosys?
On May 27, 2011 In Thought Leadership
As is well-documented at this time, a whistle blower and current Infosys employee has brought suit against Infosys claiming that Infosys has criminally manipulated U.S. immigration law to allow it to bring large numbers of employees into the United States to do work under visas that do not allow such activities. This in turn
Indian Heritage Providers Are Achieving Differentiation
On April 5, 2011 In Thought Leadership
One of my partners recently returned from a conference remarking that he could randomly put any service provider’s logo on any of the collateral being distributed and nobody would notice. Everyone’s message was essentially the same as their competitors. It is difficult to differentiate among the Indian heritage providers. Or at least it has
Eleven in 2011: Everest Group’s Predictions for the Global Services Industry
On November 16, 2010 In Thought Leadership
The number 11 holds far-reaching significance in numerology, in the bible, among doomsday theorists, and in the dice game craps, to name just a few instances. What’s the significance of Everest Group’s 11 predictions for the global services industry in 2011? Let’s take a look. 1. Unleashed discretionary spend that fueled the 2010 global