Digital platforms Archive
Key To Designing An Effective Digital Platform
On January 10, 2020 In Thought Leadership
Companies undertaking digital transformation seek to improve customer, employee and partner experiences. They build digital platforms to deliver the desired experience. My observation from working with many companies undergoing this endeavor is they often overlook the key factor necessary building an effective digital platform. Read more in my blog on Forbes
Advice for buying or building a digital platform
On July 25, 2018 In Thought Leadership
As digital technologies mature and become applicable, they present a tremendous opportunity for companies to rethink and rearchitect their business to create better client experience, better quality results and lower costs. These opportunities are broad and extensive. At the core of all digital transformations is the assembling and perfection of a digital platform. But
Strategy For Building Digital Platforms
On March 14, 2018 In Thought Leadership
I recently visited with senior executives at Exela Technologies to discuss the interesting strategy their company undertook to succeed in the digital world. Exela’s success is like a caterpillar that goes into a cocoon and emerges as something completely different. The “caterpillar” was stodgy, low-margin, traditional BPO services – uninteresting work in a very