performance breakthrough Archive

The Key To Achieving Breakthrough Performance

If your company only wants to achieve an incremental outcome from your change initiative, it is fine to maintain your current business model. However, achieving breakthrough performance requires a fundamental change in the company’s business model. That kind of change is difficult. But given the enormous benefits that are available for companies in customer

What You Need to Do to Get a Business Performance Breakthrough

At Everest Group, we’ve been studying the reason behind the disappointing phenomenon of powerful new disruptive technologies achieving only modest, incremental benefits instead of their promised performance breakthroughs. In my recent blogs, we’ve looked at whether the fault could be due to hype or immaturity of the technologies, whether it might be a lack

Is Your Incumbent Service Ecosystem the Source for Lacking Performance Breakthroughs?

In three of my recent blogs, I’ve discussed the possible reasons as to why companies are only getting modest, incremental benefits from vetted, powerful new technologies such as cloud, analytics, cognitive computing and robotic process automation (RPA). These technologies should be making big differences – performance breakthroughs. As I’ve mentioned, we at Everest Group

Is Lack of Talent the Reason for Not Achieving Desired Performance Breakthroughs?

If you’re following my blogs regularly, you know that I’ve been discussing what we at Everest Group think is the issue of our time. Vetted, powerful new technologies such as cloud, analytics, cognitive computing and robotic process automation (RPA) should be making big differences in businesses; but for the most part, they’re achieving only