Digital Transformaiton Archive
How To Structure A Company To Use A Gig Platform | Blog
On May 26, 2020 In Featured, Thought Leadership
In my previous blog, I talked about companies needing to structure their IT organizations so they are leaner, more agile and able to constantly use the world’s best coders with the rarest and newest skills that are dramatically scarce. To achieve these goals, I explained that they need to consider using a gig platform
Confusing Predicament For Businesses In COVID-19 Crisis
On April 28, 2020 In Featured, Thought Leadership
The stakes for businesses have rarely been as high as they are now. The global pandemic is upending companies’ existing mindsets, strategies and investments. It’s leading to new decisions about actions and strategies that must occur at the same time but appear contradictory. This causes a lot of confusion for people in enterprises as
How To Avoid Unhelpful Or Biased Consulting And Advice
On February 18, 2020 In Thought Leadership
Many initiatives that companies fund in our current business environment fall under the broad heading of digital transformation. They are large, well-defined projects, but they actually take the form of ongoing agile journeys in which organizations implement and learn to use new technologies and then add more technology. As companies abandon the old waterfall
How To Ensure Your Organization’s Decisions Have Broad Acceptance And Change Will Be Supported
On October 22, 2019 In Thought Leadership
The story we tell ourselves as executives is that we make decisions based on facts, on data. We want our organizations to be data-driven organizations with decisions based on “institutional conviction.” In reality, making well-informed decisions and getting others to support those decisions is a factor of how deep and well supported the convictions
Artificial Intelligence: Why It’s Essential For Digital Platforms
On September 10, 2019 In Thought Leadership
Companies widely recognize the potential power of artificial intelligence (AI). They instinctively understand that it feels like we’re on the cusp of something that will change our lives and our businesses in a profound way. Yet, many struggle with where to apply it. Executives can’t shake the feeling that they should have use cases
Why Digital Transformations Fail: 3 Exhausting Reasons
On August 27, 2019 In Uncategorized
A whopping 73 percent of enterprises failed to provide any business value whatsoever from their digital transformation efforts, according to an Everest Group study last year. Furthermore, 78 percent failed to meet their business objectives. Put another way, only 22 percent achieved their desired business results. This is horrific. Why does this happen? While
Digital Transformation Success Depends on an Agile Approach to Change
On August 26, 2019 In Thought Leadership
The principles and practices of the agile movement are quickly moving beyond the IT department and into how firms run their day-to-day business. This new way of organizing and running business gains further impetus by the headlong rush to use digital transformation to gain competitive advantage, which often requires changing a company’s operating model
Digital Talent Shortage Driving Need For Offshore Talent
On August 19, 2019 In Thought Leadership
There is a clear talent shortage in the US, and this is particularly true of specialized skills (engineering and IT), which are at the center of the competitiveness of the US economy. The current Administration is intensifying this skills shortage by restricting companies’ ability to import talent through H-1B visas. The unintended consequence of
Four Guidelines for Success in Innovation in Digital Transformation
On July 23, 2019 In Thought Leadership
A problem afflicts many companies undertaking transformation: they aren’t ready for innovation. But they need innovation to change their competitive positioning in the market. Today, many companies want their IT organizations to partner with the business to create opportunities for innovation and supportive services that drive transformation. And they look to their procurement chief
What happens when you use third-party services in digital transformation?
On May 9, 2018 In Thought Leadership
Moving your company to a digital operational environment requires much more than changing its technology. The goal of creating and delivering new value for your customers also necessitates changes to your talent model, processes, philosophies and organizational structure. A complicating factor is the nature of the initiative – transformation is a multi-year journey, and
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