PaaS Archive
How Cloud Impacts APIs and Microservices
On November 30, 2017 In Thought Leadership
Companies considering moving workloads to cloud environments five years ago questioned whether the economics of cloud were compelling enough. The bigger question at that time was whether the economics would force a tsunami of migration from legacy environments to the cloud world. Would it set up a huge industry, much like Y2K, of moving
Global Services Trends and Tipping Points for 2015
On January 12, 2015 In Thought Leadership
It’s the season when analyst/advisory firms flood the media their predictions and top-10 lists. One problem with those lists is the services world rarely has 10 things that are different from the year before. Another problem is we tend to hype new technologies and business models and make predictions about their impact in the
Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice to Deceive
On December 22, 2014 In Thought Leadership
As I recently looked at service providers’ PowerPoint decks pitching their as-a-service offering, the well-known tangled-web-we-weave quote from Sir Walter Scott’s 1808 poem “Marmion” came to mind. It’s very clear that the industry is interested in moving to platform services. And it’s a fabulous idea — great content reduced cost, agility and focus on
Sales Strategy Shift in the Cloud Services Market
On November 13, 2014 In Thought Leadership
The fact that enterprises are making a strategic intent shift to cloud and as-a-service models changes more than the service delivery model. It also changes the value proposition and therefore causes implications for provider’s sales strategies. For starters, the focus turns away from the provider’s capabilities. Sure, those capabilities are still important. But with
A Rose by Any Other Name
On August 22, 2014 In Thought Leadership
Shakespeare said a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. However, what the eternal bard did not say but easily could have is that it would not have sold as well. The rose that’s catching fire now in the marketplace is as-a-service offerings. But service providers are confusing the market. As-a-service offerings
IBM Prepares to Deliver Consumption Based, As-a-Service Offerings
On March 12, 2014 In Thought Leadership
IBM in late February launched BlueMix, a billion-dollar investment in a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) cloud based on its recent empire-building acquisition of SoftLayer. A TBR analyst says IBM’s as-a-service moves are changing the company’s DNA. My opinion? It’s a lot more significant than that! If Big Blue can integrate all its services in a true
Notable Numbers: Payment Companies Outperform in BPO
On February 19, 2014 In Thought Leadership
If you owned stock in major BPO companies in 2013, you’re happy, as most of them outperformed the S&P stock market. But you’re a really happy stockholder if you invested in payment transaction companies — those returns are almost twice as sweet as most of the other BPO stocks! As a group, payment transaction