Digital Transformation Archive

Digital Transformation: 3 Change Management Mistakes to Avoid

Change can be painful for companies and individuals. But if you are undergoing a digital transformation, there’s simply no getting around it. In fact, the degree of change is greater, and there is a cascading set of consequences for these deep changes, which each require their own change management. At Everest Group, executives often

Using A Gig Platform To Access Key Skills In The COVID-19 Crisis | Blog

The COVID-19 crisis has resulted in a devastated economy. Executives are looking at their businesses from a recession and retrench mindset, knowing they need to preserve cash. That involves eliminating inefficiencies, and enterprise IT organizations have significant inefficiencies and redundancies. So, companies have laid off many programmers and IT professionals. While these lay-offs created

COVID-19 Business Crisis Proves Automation Matters

Consider what’s now happening at companies that made investments in automation and moving work to the cloud. They’re doing better than others in the COVID-19 pandemic. They’re more flexible under trying conditions. They’re more resilient to challenges. They are a bright spot in this awful crisis. The pandemic showed what companies invested in as

Capturing Business Advantage After The COVID-19 Crisis

The crashing global economy caused by the COVID-19 pandemic now wreaks havoc on businesses. But the pandemic eventually will end, and there will be compelling opportunities at that time. As I explained in my prior blog, companies need to take steps now that enable them to accelerate through the pandemic curve so they can grab

Companies Moving to Digital at Scale

A lot of vendors are starting to drop the term “digital.” We’re at a point in digital maturity where North American and European businesses accept the importance of technologies such as cloud, AI and automation. They ran experiments on these technologies and validated that they work. Now businesses are moving to “digital at scale.”

Huge Digital Talent Deficit Constrains IT Modernization and Digital Transformation

The IT modernization movement is moving beyond the initial euphoria around the potential of digital technologies. Companies taking steps to modernize their IT are recognizing that it’s a very substantial endeavor and will take years to accomplish. In committing to the long haul of the modernization journey, several situations are becoming apparent, causing companies

Why Your Business Needs to Master Digital Platforms Thinking and Design

In today’s ultra-competitive marketplace, every company whether they realize it or not, is creating multiple digital platforms. Why? Because platforms transcend traditional value chains and enable companies to create new business value. What this really means is companies are moving away from processes to platforms to create competitive advantages. The top 10 Fortune 500

How Your Company’s IT Group Must Change To Support Digital Transformation

For the last five years, companies experimented with digital transformation. They are now convinced that the benefits are there and convinced that if they don’t take them, their competitors will. As digital technologies become more deeply embedded in the fabric of how companies compete, it forces IT departments to shift their role to become

Advice for buying or building a digital platform

As digital technologies mature and become applicable, they present a tremendous opportunity for companies to rethink and rearchitect their business to create better client experience, better quality results and lower costs. These opportunities are broad and extensive. At the core of all digital transformations is the assembling and perfection of a digital platform. But

CIOs Struggle with Gap in Digital Transformation Expectations and Delivery Capabilities

As part of our Pinnacle Model™ methodology and benchmarking, Everest Group recently conducted a study of over 200 companies on their digital transformation readiness. The study found companies’ boards of directors typically believe digital transformation is about technology, and they typically under-estimate the cost and expect results in months, not years. Those expectations are