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There is a huge problem with trying to increase productivity in functions, processes and in business teams. Measurements of productivity look at the efficiency of a task. The assumption: if companies focus on making activities more efficient, they will increase productivity. History has not been kind to that belief. So, what enables the ability

Manage Productivity With Employees Working From Home

As economies open up after the initial COVID-19 crisis that forced people to work from home, we see companies exploring the prospect of integrating the work-from-home model as a part of their operations at least for an extended future and probably permanently. But there is a fundamental question that they must resolve about this

Paradox Of GBS / GIC Marketplace Due To COVID-19 Crisis

American politician Rahm Emanuel advised, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” As companies begin to exit the COVID-19 crisis, they look at the business world through new eyes. In a recession, they need to reduce costs. Further, most employees now work from home. Together, these factors, forced by the pandemic,

Wipro’s Big Bet With New CEO Thierry Delaporte

Last Friday, May 29, Wipro appointed Capgemini’s former COO, Thierry Delaporte, as its new CEO and MD. This is an intriguing time for Wipro to change its leadership. The third-party services industry is now at an inflection point, and there are typically opportunities for market share shifts to happen at these points. Here is

How To Structure A Company To Use A Gig Platform | Blog

In my previous blog, I talked about companies needing to structure their IT organizations so they are leaner, more agile and able to constantly use the world’s best coders with the rarest and newest skills that are dramatically scarce. To achieve these goals, I explained that they need to consider using a gig platform

Using A Gig Platform To Access Key Skills In The COVID-19 Crisis | Blog

The COVID-19 crisis has resulted in a devastated economy. Executives are looking at their businesses from a recession and retrench mindset, knowing they need to preserve cash. That involves eliminating inefficiencies, and enterprise IT organizations have significant inefficiencies and redundancies. So, companies have laid off many programmers and IT professionals. While these lay-offs created

COVID-19 Business Crisis Proves Automation Matters

Consider what’s now happening at companies that made investments in automation and moving work to the cloud. They’re doing better than others in the COVID-19 pandemic. They’re more flexible under trying conditions. They’re more resilient to challenges. They are a bright spot in this awful crisis. The pandemic showed what companies invested in as

Confusing Predicament For Businesses In COVID-19 Crisis

The stakes for businesses have rarely been as high as they are now. The global pandemic is upending companies’ existing mindsets, strategies and investments. It’s leading to new decisions about actions and strategies that must occur at the same time but appear contradictory. This causes a lot of confusion for people in enterprises as

Capturing Business Advantage After The COVID-19 Crisis

The crashing global economy caused by the COVID-19 pandemic now wreaks havoc on businesses. But the pandemic eventually will end, and there will be compelling opportunities at that time. As I explained in my prior blog, companies need to take steps now that enable them to accelerate through the pandemic curve so they can grab

Disturbing Business Trend From COVID-19 Crisis

I’m speaking with company leaders in many industries as they grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic and global economic crisis. For the most part, they focus on getting essential services up and running and understanding the implications of their workforce working from home. When we step back and view progress to date, consider the enormity