IT Infrastructure Archive

IT Modernization Journeys Require New Approach To Transformation

Prior to digital transformation to achieve new value creation, many companies undertake IT modernization initiatives to ensure systems can support the digital transformation. IT and shared services groups need to modernize so they can respond more effectively and quickly to the business needs for innovation and competitive advantage. We often find that companies don’t

Remedy for frustrations in legacy IT infrastructure contracting model

A significant driver motivating companies to migrate workloads out of their legacy environment into the cloud is the increasing frustration of operating under onerous, complicated services contracts. Of course, these workloads migrate to the cloud and a software-defined environment primarily for greater efficiency and agility. But many workloads are too expensive and risky to

Service Providers Face the End of Enterprise Infrastructure Function

In the new world we’re moving into, where we have a high degree of automation and hyper-scale data centers, cloud, SaaS and re-usage, why do companies even have an IT infrastructure function or department? As companies integrate their software-defined ops function with their software development function, creating DevOps, they no longer need an IT

Demand Management Is Made Possible through as-a-Service Model

Demand management has been the unicorn of enterprise IT – something frequently talked about but rarely seen and never captured. Every centralized IT organization would love the ability to accurately manage user demand. It would provide tremendous return if it were possible; but to date it has been largely or completely thwarted in large

Remedying IT Overcapacity

Too much. That’s an accurate assessment of IT environments in most, if not all, enterprises. They have more data center space than they need and more servers than they can use at any point in time. They have more software operating systems, middleware, and enterprise licenses than necessary. They also have more of the

Years of Plenty Followed by Years of Starvation for RIM Service Providers

Right now Remote Infrastructure Management (RIM) service providers are enjoying explosive growth as they take share from asset-heavy players. The labor arbitrage market is disintermediating or successfully attacking the traditional asset-heavy infrastructure space. But in every boom are the seeds of undoing. It reminds me of the story of Joseph in the Biblical book

IBM Positioning for Dominance in Future of Infrastructure Services

I recently had the privilege to sit through a two-day session with IBM’s senior executive team in services. I’m someone who tries not to drink the Kool-Aid. Even so, I came away truly impressed by the work that IBM has done to position itself to be relevant and a major player in the future

Are We Hearing the Swan Song for RIM Services?

Remote infrastructure management (RIM) services were the disrupter for asset-heavy infrastructure services over the past several years and, in all likelihood, will continue to be for the next few years. However, as we look down the road it appears that RIM will hit the speed bump of automation and cloud, which will impact RIM

Assessing the Cloud’s Clout to Disrupt the Outsourcing World

You’ve heard it … read it in the news … and probably even participated in the discussions about it. “It” is the impact of the cloud model on the third-party service provider marketplace. What are the cloud’s potential disruptive effects? As the cloud and outsourcing meet head on, will the cloud make hiccups or

Competitors Beware: Genpact Becoming More Dominant

Have you the noticed the growing ripples of marketing messages from Genpact? The firm is already a leader in the global services market, but Bain Capital is aggressively pushing Genpact to grow faster and become more dominant in the market. Bain — which is known for taking well-run, aggressive firms and super-charging them —